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扑克之星(Pokerstars)收购全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)?扑克行业的悲剧啊

发表于 2012-4-28 22:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
扑克之星(Pokerstars)愿出高价购买全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)?

4月24日,扑克界风传扑克之星(Pokerstars)要购买已关闭的全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)的消息。

对此,扑克之星企业传播负责人艾瑞克-霍瑞赛尔(Eric Hollreiser)回应说:“很多人都向我们询问此事。因此,我想表明一下扑克之星的立场。众所周知,扑克之星和美国司法部之间正在协商解决法律诉讼问题。因为讨论内容是机密的,因此我们不能对传闻作出评论。一旦有消息可以公开的话,我们会立即公开。”

4月24日美国东部时间上午11点左右,Chillpoker的CEO亚历山大-德雷福斯(Alexandre Dreyfus)在微博里中称:在伯纳德-塔皮埃集团(GBT)尝试购买失败之后,扑克之星将耗资7亿5千万美元收购前对手,并且偿还其3亿3千万的玩家存款。


而在当天的eGaming Review Magazine中则报道了法国投资者GBT发表声明未能和美国政府达成协议,原因是存在不可解决的法律诉讼问题。






今天世界所有新闻媒体的头条都被一个重大信息刷新版面,法国投资者集团GBT经理Laurent Tapie正式确认,GBP集团收购全速扑克的协议宣告失败。这边话声刚落,那边爆出扑克之星即将收购全速扑克。一句话而言就是,扑克之星要接着做,GBT集团没有做成的事情。

按照GBT经理Laurent Tapie说法,GBT之所失败是因为两个主要原因:首先是偿还时间,在谈判的最后11个小时,美国司法部提出要求所有玩家的取款要在90天内得到支付,这与GBT计划在网站重新开放后,基于玩家在网站的活跃程度和余额来安排支付,换句话说GBT保证偿还玩家的资金,并且表示94.9%的玩家将会在重启后第一天得到支付。但GBT需要通过一些限制性条款来缓解支付压力。

就偿还时间这一问题上, Laurent Tapie在接收新闻的采访中明确表示:“一:立即恢复余额并可以在网站使用,二:我们说过我们同意玩家取款,但基于具体金额需要一定的时间。绝大多数玩家都将在一年内完成支付,这其中的绝大部分都将都要立即支付,但少数大额玩家需要等待更长的时间。”

另外一个重要的问题,是悬而未决的法律问题。除了美国司法部外,一个非美国法庭将以“欺诈交易”的罪名,没收全速扑克公司的在美国之外的核心资产。总之GBT集团在支付八千万美金的价格后,还要准备大量的现金用于支付玩家欠款,同时还要担心核心资产的法律问题。显然,全速扑克这笔交易, GBT集团是很难再谈下去。

有意思的是, Laurent Tapie表示从新闻媒体出获知扑克之星即将接收的消息说道“如果扑克之星收购全速扑克,玩家将会立即收到欠款,我们很高兴看到这点,这意味着扑克之星愿意承担法律风险和财务风险与美国司法部达成协议,扑克之星自身的法律问题也悬而未决。”

另一方面,扑克之星公关部负责人Eric Hollreiser,发表公告证明扑克之星确实正在和美国司法部交涉,但无法透露更多信息。借用Laurent Tapie,如果扑克之星真的收购原世界第二大扑克室全速扑克,究竟对玩家是好是坏-





Chilipoker的CEO Alexandre Dreyfus在微博上说道,“包括必须偿还扑克玩家账户里的资金(3.3亿美元),PokerStars将花费7.5亿美元收购Full Tilt,我对此感到震惊。”

Bernard Tapie集团也对此发表了官方声明,最开始是在iGaming Post(英)报道。声明阐述了为什么本次收购会失败的两个原因,主要是不能接受司法部强制规定的立即归还扑克室玩家欠款,同时还对可能存在的法律风险有所担心。详细的声明原文*大家可以在本文后面查看。


Shaun Deeb发帖
线上扑克室传奇玩家Shaun Deeb也在2+2论坛发布了一则帖子(英),谈到了PokerStars参与收购的一些条款:


Isai [Scheinberg]将离开公司





本声明由PokerStars企业公关部负责人Eric Hollreiser发表。

全速扑克代表律师Barry Boss也在DiamondFlushPoker(英)上发表了声明:

“为了帮助大家厘清今天各大媒体上层出不穷的报道,Full Tilt Poker有必要出来证实,与的Bernard Tapie的收购交易已经宣告失败。尽管如此,但是Full Tilt Poker方面却比以往任何时候都更乐观,因为我们首要目标-偿还扑克室玩家的欠款-将得到保证。Full Tilt Poker从未停止过和美国司法部进行和解谈判。但谈判始终是保密的,我们无法对这些谈判的细节和坊间的任何传言发表评论。但只要我们有可以公开的信息,我们会在第一时间进行发布。”

Diamond Flush Poker公布GBT早期还款计划
Diamond Flush Poker是Subject: Poker的分支刊物,也发表了一篇报道(英),谈到了GBT的官方声明(见新闻最后的原文)。同时还谈到了GBT早期的还款计划,以及司法部反对本计划的内容。

纵观整篇报道,大意是GBT为了节约收购成本,试图为收购Full Tilt的资产尽可能地减少付出,这意味着玩家想要取出自己扑克室的资金还要等上相当长一段时间。同时,这也是司法部选择和GBT结束谈判的原因。

"Groupe Bernard Tapie regrets to announce that, after seven months of intensive work, our efforts to obtain final approval of the United States Department of Justice of the agreement to acquire the assets of Full Tilt Poker have ended without success.

Ultimately, the deal failed due to two major issues.

The parties could not agree on a plan for repayment of ROW players.

GBT proposed a plan that would have resulted in immediate reinstatement of all ROW player balances, with a right to withdraw those funds over time, based on the size of the player balance and the extent of the player’s playing activity on the re-launched site. All players would have been permitted complete withdrawal of their balances, regardless of whether they played on the site, by a date certain, and 94.9% of ROW players would have been fully repaid on day 1. DOJ ultimately insisted on full repayment with right of withdrawal within 90 days for all players– a surprise demand made in the 11th hour, after months of good-faith negotiations by GBT.

The legal complications surrounding the deal – specifically, questions surrounding the legality of the forfeiture under non-US laws – also proved unresolvable.

All of the key assets of the FTP companies reside outside of the United States. A non-US court well might regard the purported forfeiture as a “fraudulent transaction” and declare it invalid or deem the acquirer of the assets responsible for all of those creditor obligations.

Given the $80 million purchase price, and the substantial amount of cash needed to relaunch FTP, those issues ultimately proved too substantial to overcome.

GBT is very conscious of the hopes it has created – among FTP employees that they will retain their jobs, among FTP players that they will recover their balances, and among the entire poker community that the world’s finest poker platform will be relaunched and bring a needed added element of competition to a world market that today is fully dominated by a single operator.

GBT cannot accept the end of those hopes.

For that reason, unless a concrete and legally viable solution is found in the very coming days to save the employees and repay the players of FTP, we will move to our own plan of action.

We understand from press reports that the DOJ may have entered into an agreement with PokerStars pursuant to which PokerStars will acquire the FTP assets. ?If accurate, we can only assume that PokerStars determined that it was willing to accept these legal and financial risks in order to resolve its own legal situation with DOJ.?? If a PokerStars acquisition of FTP means that all FTP players will be fully repaid immediately, we are very happy for the players, as their final and full repayment has always been our priority.

We only regret that such a deal would signal further consolidation of a poker market already dominated by a single player – an outcome that may raise antitrust concerns and that, in the long run, is probably not good for players and for the whole online poker industry.”

发表于 2012-5-9 17:18 | 显示全部楼层
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