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Types of Betting on Play For Fun:

- Odds Betting
- Asian Handicap
- In-play Betting


For a graphical explanation on these types of betting, please select the Place Bets tab on your betting slip which appears opposite the market selections.

Odds Betting

Odds betting is the most common form of betting and requires you to predict whether an outcome will happen or not. You place your bet at fixed 'Odds' which reflect your opinion of the probability that the outcome will happen. The lower the Odds, the more likely you think (or someone else thinks) it is that the outcome will occur. The outcome with the lowest Odds is often known as the 'favourite'. Once your bet is accepted, or 'matched', you know exactly how much you will win if your opinion of the likely outcome turns out to be correct, and how much you will lose of it doesn't.

Traditionally, the Odds betting market happens one-way only, with bookmakers always 'offering' Odds and users always 'taking Odds'. Betfair is a bookmaker which allows users to both take Odds and to offer Odds. Therefore you can bet whether an outcome will happen or will not happen. When you take Odds you 'back' the outcome and when you offer Odds you 'lay' the outcome. All Betfair, all Odds are 'Decimal Odds'.


When you back an outcome, you want that outcome to happen. For example, if you back Henman at Odds of 3.1 for $100, you want Henman to win. Your total return if he wins is $310 (including your stake), and your maximum loss is $100 (your stake).
这个是back/买/投注/看好的一个例子,记住odds是3.1,stake是$100,return是$310,maximum win是$210,maximum loss是$100。

When you lay an outcome, it is the opposite of backing it: you think that the outcome will NOT happen. For example, if you lay Derby County at Odds of 4.0 for $100, you think it is sufficiently unlikely that Derby will win that you offer traditional Odds of 3/1 against it. By offering Odds of 4.0, you want to be matched by other users who want to back Derby (ie. bet that Derby will win) at Odds of 4.0. Your total return, if Derby lose or draw, is $100 (i.e. the backers' stakes), and your maximum loss if Derby wins is $300 (which is what you would have to pay out to the backers). Another way of thinking about lay bets is that you are accepting the bets of other people who want Derby to win.
这个是lay/卖/受注的一个例子,记住odds是4.0,stake是$300,return是$100,maximum win是$100,maximum loss是$300。lay的赢利就是对应的back的stake,lay的损失就是对应的back的maximum win。彼此互相配对的。

As your bets are matched on Play For Fun, you will see displayed next to each possible outcome of the market your net profit or loss on that market, should that outcome occur. When you place a bet, money is reserved from your Play For Fun account to cover your worst possible position on the market.

Odds markets can have one winner or multiple winners depending on the type of market. Betfair offers 'place' markets on most horse races for example, which means you can bet on whether or not any horse will be placed. The number of possible 'winners' on a market is always detailed on the 'market info' tab.

Asian Handicap Betting

Asian Handicap is a form of betting which is very popular in Asia (thus the name Asian Handicap). "Handicap" means that a team has received a virtual head start, effectively leading the game by differing amount or amounts before it actually kicks off.

When you bet with Asian Handicap, the possibility to bet on the game to be drawn is eliminated. The only outcomes which will pay out are a home or away win. If the game ends in a draw, all stakes are returned.

Some of the terminology can be a bit confusing at first. In the simplest case, the handicap is 0. If you back a team to win on an Asian handicap of 0 the bet wins if your team wins, loses if your team loses but is void (stakes are returned) in the case of a draw.

If the handicap is a whole number of goals (+1, -1, +3 etc.) then the team who scores the most with the handicap applied is deemed the winner. For example, if you back Liverpool to beat Chelsea on a handicap of -1, the bet is a loser in the case of a draw or if Chelsea wins; it is a winner if Liverpool wins by 2 goals or more; and is void if Liverpool wins by exactly 1 goal.

If the handicap is a half number of goals (+0.5, +1.5, -2.5 etc.) then the team who scores the most with the handicap applied is deemed the winner, but in this case there is no possibility of the bet being void. For example, if you back Real Madrid to beat Real Sociedad with a handicap of -1.5, then the bet is a winner if Real Madrid wins by 2 goals or more, but a loser otherwise.

The handicap can also be a combination of a half goal and a whole goal handicap (0 & 0.5, -1 & -0.5). These bets are sometimes referred to as quarter goal handicaps. In this case, the stake is divided between a bet on the half goal handicap and a bet on the whole goal handicap. For example, if you back Boca Juniors to beat River Plate with a handicap of -0.5 & -1 (or -3/4 goal) then if Boca Juniors win by 2 goals or more, then both parts of your bet win and you collect all your winnings. If they win by exactly 1 goal, then half your bet wins and the other half is void, so you collect half your winnings. If they draw or lose then both parts of the bet lose.

An Asian Handicap market is similar to a fixed odds betting market, in that you offer and take odds in exactly the same way as the fixed odds market. However, because Asian Handicap betting is more complex than fixed odds, if you want to see your profit and loss for each outcome, you need to select the View Detail tick box on the Place Bets tab. On the My Bets tab there is a summary of your current matched position and your worst possible outcome for each possible result.

As on all markets, when you place a bet, money is reserved from your account to cover your worst possible position on the market. In an Asian Handicap market the amount reserved will reflect bets on all outcomes. If, for example, you back a team to win with a 1.5 goal start, but lay them to win with a 1.5 & 2 (or 1 1/4) goal start then if your team loses by two goals your maximum loss (depending on the odds and stake) could be only half your total stake, and not the stake on both bets. This will be reflected in your available balance. In addition, commission on these markets is taken from the total winnings on the market across all outcomes.

In-play Betting

One of the most innovative and exciting features of both betfair.com and Play For Fun is the ability to bet on selected live televised events. In other words, when the game starts you can keep betting as the action unfolds, right to the final whistle! An on-screen icon will indicate when a market is running in-play and a 5 second delay will be enforced before your bet is matched.


- 赔率交易
- 亚洲盘交易
- 赛中(滚球)盘交易


赔率交易是世上最普遍的的交易方法之一,它涉及预测一个赛果的出现与否,您买(投注)于与一个赛果出现的机会率直接相关的特定 "赔率"。赔率愈低即该赛果出现的机会愈高。低赔率的赛果通常被称为 "热门"。传统的赔率博彩市场是单向的,博彩庄家通常是提供赔率的一方,而用户通常只能 "投注"。

必发允许用户同时买(投注)或卖(受注), 因而您能可买(投注)或卖(受注)一个赛果的出现或不出现。当您想做玩家,您买(投注)这个赛果;而当您想尝试做庄,您是卖(受注)于这个赛果。所有必发赔率都是 "小数赔率"。

当您买(投注)一个赛果,您是希望该赛果会出现。例如,您于 3.10的赔率买(投注) 100汉文 (Tim Henman) 赢,您是希望他赢。如果他胜出,您的彩金是 310 (连同您的注额),而您的最高风险是100 (即您的注额)。

您卖(受注)于一个赛果是跟买(投注)一个赛果完全相反的:如果您卖(受注)于一个赛果您是认为它不会发生, 这即是传统博彩庄家的做法。例如,您以 4.00 的赔率挂牌卖(受注) 100热刺,您是认为它不会胜出,就是说您是提供 3/1 的传统赔率, 自己充当庄家角色。如果热刺赛和局或输,您的彩金总数是 100 (即是对方的注额),而您的最大风险是 300 (即您可能要赔给别人的金额)。其实您是在接受其他想买热刺赢的玩家的投注。

赔率交易可以有一个或多个的胜出者,视乎该市场的详情而定。例如必发为大部分的赛马提供 "位置" 交易。一个市场可能出现的的胜方数目通常会在 "市场须知" 标题内详列.


亚洲盘是一种亚洲地区流行的博彩方式(所以简称为亚洲盘)。"让球" 是假设一队球队在开赛时已领先,即如未比赛已有 (受让) 球 (半球),球 (平手/半球),球 (半球/一球),1球 (一球)和 1球 (一球/球半)等等在手。

当您买(投注)于亚洲盘,即取消了该场比赛和局的可能性。即只有主队胜或客队胜。若比赛处于和局状态,您会获发还注额。您可能会觉得混淆,尤其是对让 球和让 球等。

最简单易明的是让 0球,即平手。若您在平手下买(投注)一队胜出,只要该队胜出便算您赢,该队负您便输,和局则取消交易并发还注额 (走盘或无交收)。.

若让球是涉及半球,如受让半球 (+0.5),受让一球半 (+1.5),让两球半 (-2.5)等,则一队能赢够所让球数以上才算赢,而没有出现走盘的机会。例如,若我买(投注)皇家马德里让一球半 (-1.5)打败皇家苏斯达,皇家马德里胜出两球或以上我才算赢,否则便输。.

让球也可以结合一个整球数和一个半球数 (套餐),例如受让平手/半球 (0 & +0.5),让半球/一球 (-0.5 & -1)等。这些买(投注)有时称为四分之一让球盘。在此情况下,注额会被分成两份,平均置于整球盘和半球盘上。例如,若我买(投注)小保加打败河床,小保加是让半球/一球 (-0.5 & -1 或 - ),则若小保加胜两球或以上,我的两个部分的交易皆胜而我可领取全部彩金。若他们只胜一球, 则我胜出半个盘而另半个盘是无交收,我的彩金只有一半. 若是和局或河床赢, 我的两部分交易皆输。.

另一个例子,若我买(投注)拜仁慕尼黑让平手/半球 (0 & -0.5或 -) 胜史浩克零四. 若是和局,则我的一半交易就会是无交收,而另一半是输。若拜仁慕尼黑输则我输掉全部注额。

这个市场其实是与赔率交易 (标准盘) 大同小异,您可同样挂牌提供赔率来卖(受注)或买(投注)于他人提供的赔率。由于亚洲盘交易的规例比较繁复,所以不可能在此市场显示利润与亏损预报。不过,在于 "交易管理" 交易时,您可在 "我的交易" 视窗内选观看 "详细显示" 的方格,以参阅每一可能结果的利润与亏损。在 "我的交易" 视窗有您现时成交的位置及每一赛果的最大风险的总结。在 "我的交易" 视窗的每一未成交订单下面有其利润与亏损资料。.

一如在其他所有市场,每当您设置一项交易,您的户口便会冻结相应的款项以覆盖在这市场的最大风险的可能结果。在亚洲盘市场,冻结的金额是会计算每一线的交易。例如,若我买(投注)一队于受让球半 (1.5),又卖(受注)于该队于让球半/两球 (1.5 & 2 或 1)球,则我的最大可能亏损是 (取决于赔率及注额) 当其输两球时我可能输掉的半个盘,而不是所有的注额。这会在我的 "可交易结余" 反映出来。如果您的交易是有纯利,而不是亏损,那在此市场的佣金是计算该市场所有各线交易的纯利。.


必发为您提供博彩业的基本产品以外的一项刺激和千变万化的项目 - 赛中(滚球)盘交易。每当比赛开始后,您便可以交易。
当一个市场在赛中(滚球)状态时,滚球盘按照平常的方式营运,除了一处不同的地方。 当您交易时,它在处理程序之前会故意作出一定时间的延误。这是为了保障用户在市场上已经设好订单,在赛事发生突变之际可以作出相应的取消和更改。取消订单不会有时间的延误。



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