
楼主 |
发表于 2008-4-13 20:02
 PokerTrillion不仅宣布退出Boss Media,将于4月25日换到其它扑克网络,而且还对Boss Media提起了法律诉讼,控告Boss Media没有履行合同,作弊和从事犯罪活动。据透露,Boss Media有几百万欧元资金被冻结,很可能不能支付玩家资金。
鉴于Boss Media与许多世界著名公司联系紧密,PokerTrillion的系列行动震惊了业界。由于事件发生在周末,Boss Media估计要到周一或者周二才会做出相应的应对措施。目前,网上扑克内传言四起,议论纷纷。
目前并不知道到底是PokerTrillion被Boss Media踢出了,PokerTrillion因此采取报复行动,还是Boss Media真的有很大麻烦。
April 12, 2008 Malta – Trillion Limited (POKERTRILLION.com).
There have been a lot of rumours, a lot of speculation, and a lot of questions surrounding the current position between POKERTRILLION.com, Boss Holdings Limited and Boss Media Malta Poker Ltd. This statement seeks to clarify everything.
On Friday 11th April 2008 POKERTRILLION.com achieved a freezing order of the bank accounts of Boss Holdings Limited and Boss Media Malta Poker Ltd. The freezing order was executed at five of the banks where they hold accounts, and it will be executed at the reaming two banks early Monday morning. The freezing order has been made in conjunction and relating to a 45million Euro initial law suit being taken by POKERTRILLION against Boss Media and Webdollar for alleged fraudulent, and potential criminal activities of various personnel and/or the management of Boss Media, or their associated companies in various jurisdictions including but not restricted to, Sweden and Malta.
It is anticipated that this will have a serious detrimental impact on the players who have money with Boss Media or any of its associated companies including Webdollar, because obviously the accounts have now been frozen so it is likely that when the freezing order is executed across all the Webdollar and Boss Media accounts, players will find it impossible to withdraw funds.
POKERTRILLION.com as a small and new entrant to the market is taking a zero tolerance approach to being mistreated by Boss Media, furthermore, owing to the massive irregularities surrounding Boss Media and their handling of POKERTRILLION.com this led to a number of contractual issues that led to POKERTRILLION.com making extremely exciting and important developments in the way in which it operated its business.
Further information will be released as and when the courts give permission for POKERTRILLION.com to discuss such developments. In the interim, all players who hold accounts with POKERTRILLION.com have an unconditional and unlimited guarantee on all funds they hold through POKERTRILLION.com.
It is highly likely, if Boss Media follows the proper code of conduct as it should do, it will have to make a full and complete disclosure to the Stockholm Stock Exchange where they are listed. This invariably will have a catastrophic effect on their share price, and may even lead to the arrest by the authorities of certain members of their management team and the possible suspension of their sharers. This in turn, would mean that players not in the POKERTRILLION.com stable would find their funds in serious jeopardy yet again.
POKERTRILLION.com however is delighted that this situation has created the ability to develop some fantastic new opportunities which are to be revealed in the coming week.
Should you require any further information please contact [email protected] or the judicial courts in Malta.
最新情况,下面是使用Boss Media软件的PokerHeaven的VIP经理给玩家的答复:
Poker Trillion were kicked off the network on Thursday and are putting Boss in breach of contract.
Trillion were constantly breaking network rules and this is why they have rightly been thrown off the network. Not having seen their contract I don't know how strong their claim will be against Boss.
Boss have not gone broke, far from it, and any funds players have with PH are safe, please can you relay this message on the forum.
PokerTrillion看来只不过是借这场官司来炒作自己。PokerTrillion给玩家超出30%的返水,多次破坏网络规则,周四被Boss Media踢出了该扑克网络,限期5月1号离开该扑克室。
Boss Media扑克室的回复:
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=178446 |