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全速扑克 FullTiltPoker 美国玩家提款成了个大问题

发表于 2011-3-28 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CasinoMeister 收到了大量的玩家投诉,最后不得不发出警告,后来传遍了整个网络。很多英文媒体都有报道(大型扑克媒体推广网站都不报道的),全速扑克现在联系了CasinoMeister,希望妥善处理。


Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount

Full Tilt Poker, the world's second largest online poker room, has been issued a warning by the popular online gambling watchdog portal CasinoMeister.com.

"Pulling Teeth is Easier," the CasinoMeister suggests.  And he's not alone, Full Tilt Poker has refused to communicate with Gambling911.com, making it especially difficult for us to comfortably recommend our readers play there.

From the CasinoMeister.com website:

"We've had a difficult history with Full Tilt Poker (fulltiltpoker.net) over the last 18 months or so (press time 6 July 2009). They've never responded quickly nor it seemed willingly to player issues we submitted to them. First we'd get the auto-responder replies for a while. Then the "we don't have your email on file" thing for a while. Often I'd (Max Drayman, PABmeister) have to threaten to escalate the issue at which point the Operations Manager would finally get involved and we'd see the issue given some attention. Recently that situation has deteriorated considerably."

Since that time the CM site says things have gotten even worse.

"I'm afraid our policies prohibits us from discussing other accounts than your own. Your client needs to contact us from the registered email address of his account," Full Tilt Poker apparently relayed to Casino Meister.

"In other words they are no longer willing to talk to us about player-submitted Pitch-A-Bitch (dispute) issues. We see this as a serious problem because it means that players have no recourse if they are unable to get the assistance they need from Full Tilt's Customer Service."

The player in question explained to the CM site what had transpired.

"Have been using this site for 1 month. Deposited 50 bucks. I was upto $420.00. On June 1st I decided to withdraw $200.00. My withdrawl was canceled one day later. I tried again on June 2nd. Canceled again. On June 3rd I received an email saying that I had a duplicate account and my account had been closed. It also said that by sending them an email they would transfer my funds to my other account. The second account in question is an account for my father, which I deposited 40 bucks so that he could start playing. They had different email addresses and everything.

"I have sent numerous emails with no response. I am concerned because it appears that according to many other bloggers this occurs often at FULL TILT POKER. I need to get 420.00 dollars back to me. There is no response by full tilt poker and apparently no phone number. Thanks"

The Two Plus Two posting forum is not exactly embracing the folks from Full Tilt Poker these days either it seems.  There players claim that the Full Tilt Poker software apparently caused those on the site to be disconnected while potentially winning. "What about the people that were disconnected from huge pots, couldn't play or lost money because of everything?" one poster asked in regard to the software issues.

Another had this to say:

"I am a long time player and affiliate on Full Tilt Poker, and the new updates have only made the issues improve about 10%, as well as costing me some $$$ b/c most of my roll is on FTP at the moment.

"The only reason why I haven't completely withdrawn as of yet is b/c a) I still have some sick faith that you guys will eventually fix the issue."

A representative from Full Tilt Poker did come onto the posting forum to offer some type of explanation:

"I apologize for the problems a number of you are still having and we'll be putting out another update in the next few days that will hopefully resolve the bulk of any remaining issues."

One poster reported what happened after he tried to download the new updates:

"I downloaded today's update and it did not help me one bit. Same problem with with the client frequently locking up and becoming unresponsive. Here is what happens while observing a table:

1. Action seems to come to a stop

2. I click on the table and get the hourglass

3. I click on the table again and in the top right hand corner of the table window it says: (Not Responding)"

Old Yoda concluded the following in his post:

"Two observations: As this poster notes, currently over 85,000 plus players on Full Tilt as of 9pm Eastern. This is not a monetary issue for Full Tilt. With no real negative economic impact on FT they have very little pressure to make this right. Second, other than FTPDoug's daily pronouncement of a new update there is no real substantive response from Full Tilt on what should be a fairly important issue. This is a function of Tilt's typical arrogant approach to CS issues and a function of the lack of business pressure on them.

"End of the day, as long as people keep logging on and playing they will do, or not do, exactly as they please. Given their track record this should surprise no one."

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Fri, 02/25/2011 - 08:25 — Guest
Having the same problems withdrawing my winnings from the account, its about time something was done about it

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Sat, 03/12/2011 - 23:49 — Guest
My story is the same as above - they have no problem making establishing the link to my bank and making deposits in seconds. When I tried to remove money I was told I must have a minimum of 100. So I play in a tournament and win 192 - then try to pull 190. Next day they decline, the following day they find a 2 year old account my son setup and said I have two accounts. However we do have the same name. They also locked both accounts. I called this number 1-888-TILT-PAY (1-888-845-8729 and confirmed my money is in my account still but it is "paused". I emailed them several times in one day with a less then pleasant description of making it my lifes mission to remove them as a sponsor at the world series of poker unless the rememdy this within 24 hours. I am going to begin looking for the promoter of the event and maybe start a web stie giving people instrcutions how to flood this organization with emails. I think they should be banned from advertizing at the world series until they address the complaints.

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Fri, 02/18/2011 - 00:46 — Guest
FTP will get caught for their alleged crimes and hopefully get sued once and for all.

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Fri, 02/18/2011 - 00:43 — Guest
Full Tilt Poker is owned by pigs who's only goal is to evade paying taxes and stealing your cash.

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Fri, 02/25/2011 - 18:21 — Guest
Don't be so harsh on pigs :)

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Wed, 02/16/2011 - 03:02 — Guest
Full Tilt (and PokerStars) are shit. Tell us something we don't know. Both should be out of business, certainly way out out of the U.S with 6 months. Goodby, and good riddens you poker company mongrels. A. Angry Former Client

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Thu, 12/09/2010 - 19:20 — Guest
December 2010 I recently stopped playing Full Tilt Poker because I noticed an alarming trend, chip amounts of players in tournaments began to reflect hold cards of players. This happened several occasions during my game play. For example, a player would have 525 in chips. Hold cards would come out for that player 1010 another player that had a set higher then 10's would know that they have the better hand and push all in. Another example, chip count was 2335 right after getting that chip amount that player got 55. Testing this theory the player didn't play the 5's even though trips would have came. The chip count stayed at 2335 and then the next hand showed 55Q on the flop. Player still didn't play and chip count stayed at 2335. Pocket cards on the third hand for that player was A5. I could continue to go one with my examples but I choose not to. I showed several players at dollar tournaments that this was happening by calling out their hold cards and telling them what the flop would be. I have played at Full Tilt and several casinos for many years and this has never happened at the rate it is happening at Full Tilt. Player BE WARNED. This was programed to happen so players that know have unfair advantage. It is the same as being able to see other peoples hold cards. FULL TILT THIEVES.

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Thu, 12/09/2010 - 03:31 — Guest
FullTilt blows.I have read every artical on these guys and have been a player on the site for some time . I Got so frustrated of all the bad beats I actually deleted my account about a year ago. Just recently i reopened it and tried to make a deposit on my CC.ahhhh, nope. I shot them this email : 'I want to make a deposit, CC is unavailable so Quick Deposit is the only alternative. I don't feel comfortable with having to supply not only my full name , home address, email, birthday ,Social security number, bank account number and the routing number on top of that. . Seems to be way to much personal info to have out there. Any other options? If not, guess I won't be playing FT but another place that doesn't require me to basically hand over everything needed to be me in a financial sense.To risky.even for a gambler." FT'S RESPONSE; "Hello, We understand your reservations about filling out the requested information. Rest assured, this information in required as a security precaution and will not be shared with third parties. If you still do not wish to fill in the required information then we can resolve this matter by verifying your identity. Please send us clear copies of each of these two documents: 1) Photo ID: One of the following that shows your date of birth and the date of issue/expiry: valid driver's license, passport, or government-issued ID. 2) Proof of Address: One of the following dated within the last 60 days and in your name: bank/credit card statement, utility/cell phone bill, or home/auto insurance papers We recommend that you send a scanned copy or digital photo of your documents as this produces a clearer image. Before sending your documentation, please ensure they meet the following requirements: * Copies must be clear and legible (96 to 150 DPI or higher recommended for scanned copies). * The document needs to be a full page and complete (bill/pay stubs, folded papers, envelopes, and partial sections are unacceptable). * Bills must clearly display that company's letterhead or official logo. * Your address verification document must display the same name and address listed on your Full Tilt Poker account. * We can only accept email attachments of 3 MB or less, and attachments can be in either JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) or PDF (.pdf) format. Alternatively, you may fax these documents toll-free in North America to 1-877-TILT-FAX (1-877-845-8329), or international long distance by dialing your country calling code followed by our fax number. For example, from the U.K. dial 00+1+877-845-8329. If you choose to fax your documents, please set the contrast to half tone. This will reduce the blackening of your photo and provide a clearer faxed image. If your fax machine does not have the half tone option, you may wish to select the "photo" resolution option. To expedite the processing of your documents, remember to include your Player ID, real name, and the reason you're sending in your ID. Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Regards, Jay Full Tilt Poker Support" STILL NOT GIVING YOU ALL MY VITAL INFO SO I CAN PLAY CARDS ON YOUR RIGGED SITE !

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Sat, 11/06/2010 - 04:44 — Guest
i have spent a consideral amount of money on fulltiltpoker.com . i am not an amatuer by any means. i know the odds and the card count ! But my issue is that no matter what hand i play if the pot is over 15 dollars i cant win!! If I have a flush it gets beat by a straight flush.I have a full house it gets beat by a four of a kind. I can tell u this I am not going to spend anymore money on this site. I am a soldier in the United States Army and I deploy in a few weeks, I would love to play poker online while I am overseas. But I will not be robbed of my money the way I have been on this site. regrettably: armystud 1985

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 08:33 — Guest
Good emails!

Sun, 10/31/2010 - 16:38 — Guest
FTP are peices of shit. They are secretive, and suck ass. They will get caught by us DOJ and more money will be siezed. I do have their full corporate directory, but start with these emails if you cannot get through to support. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] More to come

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 22:57 — Guest
We should get every 1 together Full Tilt Poker and file a Class action Suit!make them pay some money for once.

Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:25 — Guest
I had tried to log into my account and it had told me to email loginservice.com . I of course was like "why"?? So, I emailed them and I get a response back right away stating my bank denied the charges and I owe them $20.00 so I did a little research and my bank cleared all the charges from "MAS" that they had charged so I emailed them back and again I get an email back right away stating they need a copy of my bank statement or a picture or a whatever . are you serious your records shoud show its paid so I emailed them a copy of it showing it paid and now it has been four days with no email and my account has still not been re-instated! Customer service is a -10 out of 10 . by far the worst I have ever had to deal with. BEWARE OF PLAYING REAL MONEY. STICK TO FREE CHIPS!

Sat, 03/26/2011 - 18:59 — Guest
i no $20 is not a lot but how can you owe them thats impossible. you either buy chips or not you cant get them on tick. claim against them they will back down

Sat, 03/05/2011 - 19:10 — Guest
You'll still get robbed even on free chips. i just played a hand and hit a fullhouse on play money, a player bets big and all the sudden their terriable software automatically folds me. i didnt touch the fold button or anything. either way real or fake they rob you blind

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Tue, 10/19/2010 - 16:15 — Guest
I recently joined fulltilt after leaving another poker site because i thought all the hands dealt were riggged,2 weeks later I won $2800 in a tournament,tried to withdraw my winnings,but was denied,because i wanted to deposit the money into my irish account but i was logging on in wales! I had to send them numerous forms of proof of identity,but they still wont give me my money,eventhough I deposited money into fulltilt from my irish account while logged on in Wales!! I have emailed them 11 times without a reply and no other way of contacting them! Sick part is.i decided to buy a car on the back of my win,put a 2000 GB pounds deposit on it and was waiting for my winnings to come through to help pay off the rest of it,i cant pay off the car now so im going to lose my deposit now too! thanks fulltilt,.pro's my fuckin ass! professional scum!!

Re: Full Tilt Poker Gets Pitified: Software Complaints Mount
Wed, 01/19/2011 - 09:46 — Guest
they implant robots at every table.there is no logic to their betting.they have tutorials to tell u how to play.follow them and your cards will get worse and worse and the bad beats more frequent.after what i just read i will never make another deposit again.these robots are easily identified they have no country of origin and never respond to chat.they will go all 8-4 offsuit preflop and beat a pair of aces over and over again.money is filtered thru these "players" up to the top where the pros collect it." i cant believe they are allowed to do this without criminal prosecution.luckily they only got 70 dollars of my money.those pros make good money on their own..i cant believe they would be partakers in such extortion.they should each be shot with a ball of their shit..

the picture above?
Thu, 05/20/2010 - 05:25 — Guest
Thats funny this just happened to me? I took a picture of it and have it on my camera.I'll upload it and post it here..it shows me losing with a set of kings to j8 because of the 9 card flop.with the extra cards he hits four of a kind.lol p.s. if you want to get someone on the phone to scream at heres the number that a voice actually answers in North America to 1-888-TILT-PAY (1-888-845-8729).

Never getting my $ back
Mon, 07/20/2009 - 18:03 — Guest
I played at Full TIlt for months and months with no problem. A few weeks ago I downloaded the new software update and have been unable to open the software and log into my account since then. I have more than $300 in my account and at this point all I want to do is get into my account, take the money out and never play there again. I have sent 5 or 6 emails to them explaining this over and over.after each of my emails, at least 2 to 3 days later I get a reply explaining how to re-install the software. I've done this already and am not an idiot when it comes to computers.it simply is not working. I am never going to get my money apparently.they are a complete joke.do not play there.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 12:27 — Guest
i played sng and won 3 pots with no callers yet the money did not go into my stash,nor did the winning hand show up in the chat box. this happened at 2 different sng's so i lost 3 pots and finished 2nd in the sng. MAYBE i might have won if the pots were adding into my totals. disgraceful. i don't know how those pros can recommend this site.

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 04:26 — Guest
Full Tilt is a disgrace. A couple of weeks back they did a "software update", following which I was missing hole cards and flop cards - yeah, actually only being able to see one hole card, and either one or two cards on the flop!! First time it happened I was quite amused. Second, third etc to the point it was happening every couple of hands, I was f**king raging. Especially after folding to moderate raises as I could only see one hole card (K) and missing full houses etc. I sent them screenshots and explained the issues. They told me to "turn the sound off" - yeah, that's gonna help!! Eventually they sent me an email apologising for the "animation glitches which are now resolved". Sure enough, they are resolved. However I asked for refunds of the games I played (very low stake sit & gos) and they have not replied to any emails since then. They are a total disgrace. I've moved my entire BR to Pokerstars and will never play on Full Tilt again, even if they do ever refund the money they owe me. Wankers

Full Tilt is **********.
Sat, 07/18/2009 - 21:36 — Guest
FULL TILT POKER IS A RIGGED, ENGINEERED, CROCK OF FIXED SHIT. I can't believe people are doing the real complaining how the hands are engineered for the most action and therefore the highest rake.

Re: Full Tilt is **********.
Tue, 02/15/2011 - 16:59 — Guest
Full tilt is a piece of shit it's a Program and a very bad 1 at that,the Laggy as hell and booted me out at least 15 times in the month i been playing and well yeah my money was all gone ..i should have known better to play the online games .. good lesson learned don't play Full Tilt you will not win against a program.and yes the program will win despite what you think .i mean come on they sell cheats for the game.

Re: Full Tilt is **********.
Wed, 02/16/2011 - 20:21 — Guest
Heres another problem that they have with the program,if you go into any of the room's you can't play 1on 1 try .1 maybe 2 hands and the room gets full real quick ,i just watched a game this guy went into this with 1000 coin's he didn't win 1 hand in a half hour , finally he lost it all,he wont play it no more ,and how many Pro's do they really have playing.lmao

Full Tilt Poker: Where’s my Money at?

wangpoker.comcontinues to receive payout complaints related to the world’s second largest online poker room, Full Tilt Poker.  One player advised wangpoker.comon Sunday that he has been waiting for his money over two months now.

I've waiting nearly two months for my money with no end in sight.  Cashed

out on Jan 31st, funds not received nor have they put back in my Full Tilt  

account.  Furthermore, no compensation from Full Tilt for the long delay.

wangpoker.comhas been reporting on the Full Tilt Poker payout problems and complaints for the past few months, much of which are a result of the US Government seizing a portion of the company’s funds.

Players on the TwoPlusTwo.com posting forum noted that the bank wire and transfer features have apparently just been disabled (and declined).  This appears to be happening in specific states, however.  Observers note that New Jersey, Michigan, Delaware and Massachusetts were just some of the states not experiencing the issue.

wangpoker.comwill continue to monitor this situation and you can check for frequent updates on our TWITTER FEED.
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