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Legal Online Sportsbetting In USA Inevitable

发表于 2007-10-23 23:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Veteran exec predicts that legal Internet sportsbetting will be in place within a few years

Steve Budin, a former Miami street bookmaker and industry guru who became an offshore sports betting pioneer when he set up shop in Central America in the early nineties has a vision for online sportsbetting in the USA, and predicts that legal Internet sportsbetting in the country will be in place within the next few years.

Interviewed in the Las Vegas Sun, Budin said that the current legal sports betting industry in the U.S. is almost hopelessly behind the times, but that Nevada's big gaming companies will begin taking sports bets from gamblers online via a legal, regulated Internet-based national sports book soon.

The veteran stresses the need for the majors to go mainstream with sports betting: "The way that it makes sense is not the traditional brick-and-mortar setup, where it takes eight guys to work a room that's 2 000 square feet. The way to handle it is on the Internet, to the masses, where people can bet $10 or $15 from their home, and it doesn't matter whether one person is playing or 1 000 people are playing. It costs the same amount of money to take the bets," he opines.

"To think that Las Vegas is not going to offer that in the next three years is a little shortsighted."

Budin has little respect for the manner in which the Bush Administration is handling Internet sports gambling issues, commenting that its track record is marred by a toxic daily double of ineptitude and hypocrisy.  He points out that rather than taking a creative approach in dealing with offshore gambling, an estimated $10 billion to $12 billion a year industry, the US government has resorted to grandstanding tactics such as arresting offshore bookies when their flights land in the United States.

"They're saying they want to know when the next CEO (of an offshore betting operation) lands at LaGuardia, like he's the next shoe bomber," Budin said. He added that legislation designed to crack down on offshore betting is a stopgap solution at best - helpless to halt the forces of demand and technology.

"They want to stop the billions of dollars flowing out of the country, but I'm sure they realized that the business was going to fall back into the hands of street-based bookmakers, traditionally affiliated with the mob," Budin said.

"But at least when a local bookie has money, he goes out to the local restaurant, he buys a new suit. When the money goes offshore it's gone forever."

Budin made his fortune taking bets by telephone at his sports book based in Panama and later Costa Rica, before the U.S. government intervened and shut him down, and tells his story in a recently released memoir, "Bets, Drugs and Rock & Roll: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Offshore Sports Gambling Empire."

"It's important to remember that 99 percent of sports gamblers bet within their means and never have a problem in their lives," Budin told the Las Vegas Sun.

The average single sports bet on the Internet is about $14, according to Budin. "You're not talking about people betting their mortgage," he generalises.

Widespread legalisation is the best way to counter organised crime interests," Budin contends. "They're scared to go mainstream with it thinking it will be controlled by the mob - but that's what's keeping it controlled by the mob," said Budin. "Vegas had no problem throwing out the mob when the big corporations wanted their slot machine revenue. Who's tougher than the big corporations? Certainly no mob family."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 11:10 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周二, 2007年10月23日mgowanbo.cc


史蒂夫budin ,前迈阿密街头收受赌注及工业大师的人,成为一个境外体育博彩先锋时,他设立了店铺,在中美洲,在90年代初,有抱负的在线体育博彩在美国,并预测说,法律在互联网上的体育博彩活动在国家将在地方在未来几年的。

采访在拉斯维加斯太阳报, budin说,目前的法律体育赌博业在美国几乎是绝望地落后于时代,但内华达州的大游戏公司将开始考虑体育下注,从赌客透过线上了法制化,规管以因特网为基础的全国体育图书很快。

退伍军人强调必须大满贯前往主流与体育博彩: "这样才有意义,是不是传统的砖混结构和迫击炮格局,而需时8人,以工作的一个房间说的2000平方英尺。处理办法是在互联网上,到群众中,在那里人们可以下注10元或15元,从他们的家,不计较是否一人玩或1000人玩。它的成本同样数额钱采取下注" ,他认为。



"他们说他们想知道的时候,下一任执行长(一个境外赌博行动)的土地上拉,像他的下一个鞋子炸弹" , budin说。他补充说,立法的目的是严厉打击境外赌博是一种头痛医头的解决方案,充其量-无奈停止的供求力量和技术。

"他们想阻止数十亿美元流出的国家,但我可以肯定,但他们能认识到,商界要塌回到手中街为基础的庄家,传统上附属于暴民" , budin说。

" ,但至少当一个地方赌博有钱,他接着指出,以当地的餐厅,他买的新西装。当钱用于近海,它的时代一去不复返了。 "

budin取得了他的财富以赌桌上的电话在他的体育图书总部设在巴拿马,后来哥斯达黎加之前,美国政府进行干预,并关闭了他,并告诉他的故事,在最近发布的回忆" ,下注,毒品和摇滚&轧辊:兴亡世界上第一个远洋体育赌博帝国。 "

"这是重要的是要记住, 99 %的体育赌徒下注按照自己的经济能力和从未有一个问题,在他们的生活里, " budin告诉拉斯维加斯太阳。

平均单体育投注于互联网上大约是14元,根据budin 。 "你不是在谈论人投注按揭" ,他generalises 。

普遍合法化,是最好的办法来对付有组织罪案的利益, " budin争辩"他们害怕去与主流思想,它会控制暴民-但那是什么的肥水控制的暴徒"说budin 。 "拉斯维加斯没有问题,抛出暴徒时,大公司更愿意让吃角子老虎机收入。世卫组织的强硬比大公司?当然不是暴民家庭。 "
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