 if you play a littler higher limits. I'm newer to this site and I notice that most people here don't play much higher than 1/2.
Full Tilt is actually one of my favorite sites. The bonuses are hard to clear if you play .50/1 or 1/2 like most of the people seem to do here. But I usually play 3/6 or 5/10 so the bonus clearout isn't bad at all.
I've been very successful there, up 3200. The withdrawals are quick and the customer service is great. I also like their store a lot. A lot of quality merchandise for reasonable point prices.
A lot of pros play there and they are really nice. They even play on lower limit tables like 2/4 sometimes and different pros are playing there a lot. A lot of the pros are in tourneys there too all of the time. They chat and answer a lot of questions. I played against Jesus Ferguson, Phil Gordon, Andy Bloch, and Jennifer Harmon. Done fine against them except once Ferguson caught a full house on the river to beat my flopped straight for a $140 pot! I then told Chris I needed the money more than him and he responded LOL. Thought that was funny.
A saw a 200/400 table where a woman played Phil Ivey heads up and took him for $12,000. She even talked trash to him while she was doing it.
Anyways, I enjoy the site a lot, but if you play small, the bonus will be hard to clear. Not the case if you play a littler higher, ever 2/4 I'm sure helps.
For every $ that is raked in the pot, you get credit for 6 cents towards your bonus. All you need is cards dealt to you.
Good luck and give the site a try! |