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网络扑克扑克的现状: pokerace关门

发表于 2013-5-29 19:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

更新于6月6_日星期四1:00 PM GMT+8

我们很高兴地通知您,目前所有的玩家帐号&账户余额已经完全迁移至Dafa扑克室。玩家们现在可以使用您在PokerAce的玩家帐号 / 密码登入了。


公告:敬请注意,PokerAce 游戏平台即将在2013年6月5日的12:00 PM GMT+8停止营业。

马尼拉,2013年6月3日 _ 星期一

从2013年6月5日的12:00 PM GMT+8开始PokerAce – 亚洲在线扑克室,将停止接受玩家注册以及提供真钱&虚拟币的游戏牌桌服务。我们会安排将玩家们的帐号迁移至有亚洲扑克首位之称的Dafa扑克室平台,玩家们仍然能继续使用您们目前所拥有的帐号&帐户余额于大发扑克(Dafapoker)游戏平台。


我们将在2013年6月5日星期三的12:00 PM GMT+8开始转移玩家们全部的资料数据。直至平台关闭之前,会将全部的玩家帐号迁移至Dafa扑克室。玩家还可以登入帐号,参与真钱游戏&锦标赛牌桌。只有账户余额有$500 或者 以上的账户,才能正常地申请提款&提款一样是按照正常的时间来办理。另外,如果您有确认的转移Dafa帐号,请发一封邮件给我们*提供您所要转移的玩家账号 以及 相关的信息资料至[email protected] 。该邮件需要在6月5日星期三的12:00 PM GMT+8之前提交。如果我们没有收到您的邮件,那么您的个人信息,玩家资料,账户余额就会自动迁移至Dafa扑克室。

迁移玩家帐号以及账户余额的作业,需要6个小时的工作时间,所以玩家能在6月5日星期三的18:00 PM GMT+8之后,在Dafa扑克室正常使用您们的玩家帐号。另外,玩家们需要下载Dafa扑克室的客户端软件,才能正常运行扑克游戏,以下是客户端软件的下载点。



在这里,我们非常感谢之前所有的广大玩家们 以及 合作伙伴们的支持与赞助。我们非常地遗憾,无法在继续为大家提供服务,为此希望大家能包容&谅解,如果有造成任何不便之处,敬请见谅。经过长时间考虑的决定,我们相信将广大玩家们迁移至Dafa扑克室是最佳的选择,并且该扑克室会给玩家们带来更优质的服务。




2013年6月5日12:00 PM GMT+8当天的时段,会发生什么事情?

玩家将无法在注册任何的PokerAce帐号,包括:登入玩家帐号,参与任何的真钱 & 虚拟币游戏牌桌。




请您放心,所有PokerAce玩家的账户资料&账户余额都非常安全,都会自动转移至Dafa扑克平台。玩家能在6月5日星期三的18:00 PM GMT+8之后,正常地登入您的Dafa扑克账号,您的Dafa账号会保留原有的PokerAce个人资料,并且能正常地申请存款&提款。




您的账号会自动转移至Dafa扑克室,所以您不用做任何的事情。如果您不想在6月5日星期三的12:00 PM GMT+8,转移您的账号至Dafa扑克平台的话,请您联系通知PokerAce支援团队[email protected]。那么Dafa的官方人员会关闭您的账号,并且会协助您将剩余的账户余额提出款。


玩家还可以登入帐号,参与真钱游戏&锦标赛牌桌。只有账户余额有$500 或者 以上的账号,才能成功申请提款。而且申请提款的玩家需要在6月5日星期三的9:00 AM GMT+8之前提交。账户余额有$500的玩家,如果在上面的时间之后才申请提款的玩家,所申请的提款将不会在PokerAce办理。并且会同时停止领取点数,‘注册红利’ 以及 首次存款红利的功能。

在2013年6月5日12:00 PM GMT+8之后,我要如何登入我的扑克帐号?




不行。账户迁移的作业在6月5日星期三的12:00 PM GMT+8才会开始。


如果您已经拥有Dafa扑克室的帐号,或者Dafa旗下的其他帐号,您的账号依然会被迁移至Dafa扑克室,但是系统会自动暂停您所迁移的账号。关于PokerAce迁移的帐号被暂停的问题,请您直接联系Dafa的支援团队,官方人员会协助您核实帐号 或者 合并帐号的事宜。

那么我之前所累积的PPPs (PokerAce 玩家点数)怎么办呢?


如果您要在Dafa扑克室兑换您的现金点数,您需要达到青龙级别,该级别您需要通过参与Dafa扑克牌桌来累积500枚的金币。在Dafa扑克室的VIP等级,都会在每24个小时结算刷新数据。关于更多等级&级别的信息资讯,请查看Dafa扑克室的VIP Club页面。



那么,关于Poker Hero Asia(扑克亚洲英雄)的促销活动呢?







如果您还有其他疑问,关于您的账户状况 或者 帐号迁移的问题,随时欢迎您联系我们的支援团队[email protected]

Manila, Monday 3rd June 2013

On Wednesday June 5th 2013 at 12:00 PM GMT+8, PokerAce - The Asian Online Poker Room, will stop accepting players and offering real and fun money games. Arrangements are made for players and balances to be migrated to Dafapoker - Asiaӳ top online poker room, where you will be able to continue to play using your current account details and player balances. You will be able to enjoy the full array of DafaBet products under one account, including Poker, Sports betting, Casino and more.

Your account details and/or balance will start to move to DafaPoker starting on Wednesday, June 5th 2013 12:00 PM GMT+8. Until PokerAce platform closes and all accounts are migrated to Dafapoker, players can login and play on PokerAce as normal. Only withdrawals for accounts holding balances over $500 will be processed normally through PokerAce and within standard handling time. You have the right to object to the transfer of your account and player data to Dafapoker by simply sending an email to [email protected] before Wednesday June 5th 2013 12:00 PM GMT+8.

Note: The migration of accounts is taking longer than expected. We are working hard to make sure your account is safe and secure, and all your balance is moved without any issues.

Please try to log in to your account by 12pm, June 6 2013. Your points and tokens will be credited as promised by 2pm as well.

NOTE: In order to receive your tokens and PPP points equivalents in DafaPoker, you will need to log in to DafaPoker for the first time. Your Points and tokens will be credited within 48 business hours of your first login date.

You have until June 13, 2013 to make your first login in order to receive your tokens and points.

If you do not send an email, your personal details, player data and account balances will be automatically transferred to Dafapoker.

The migration of accounts and balances will take up to 6 hours and players will be able to access their account from Wednesday June 5th 6:00PM GMT +8 on Dafapoker. If you do not have a DafaPoker account yet you will need to download it using the link provided below:

Download DafaPoker

Once the migration has been completed, and if you never logged in to DafaPoker before - you will be required to accept Dafapoker’s Terms and Conditions. If you log in, this will be deemed as an acceptance of Dafapoker’s Terms and Conditions. Further, the account migration notwithstanding, you may still be required at any time by Dafapoker, at its discretion, to comply with additional identification documentation and requirements.
We have added below a detailed FAQ about the closing of PokerAce existing platform and the migration process for players.
Thank you for your support in PokerAce and all the very best and good luck at the Dafapoker tables.


What is happening on Wednesday June 5th 2013 at 12:00 PM GMT+8?

It will no longer be possible to signup an account on PokerAce, login, and play real money or fun money games.

Why is PokerAce Closing?

We have decided to focus on a different business model for our online poker offering. We will be migrating to a new product in the coming months.

What about player balances?

All PokerAce player account details and balances are safe and will be automatically transferred to Dafapoker. From Wednesday June 5th 2013 at 6:00 PM GMT+8, you can login into Dafapoker with your existing PokerAce details and deposit or withdraw.

What are the withdrawals requirements on Dafapoker?

If you have made a real deposit on PokerAce then you will be able to withdraw your balance from Dafapoker after the migration is completed. If you have not made a real money deposit on PokerAce then you will be required to accumulate 200 Gold Coins on Dafapoker to be able to make a withdrawal.

Do I need to do anything to migrate my account to Dafapoker?

Accounts are migrated automatically so there is nothing for you to do. If you are not willing for your account to be migrated over to Dafa then you will need to inform PokerAce support by Wednesday June 5th 2013 12:00 PM GMT +8 so that they can close your account and handle your withdrawal. You can contact PokerAce support at [email protected].

What happens until the accounts are migrated to Dafapoker?

Players will be able to login and play cash games and tournaments. Only withdrawals of accounts holding balances of $500 or more will be processed. Withdrawal request needs to be made before Wednesday June 5th 9:00 AM GMT +8. After this date withdrawals for accounts holding balances above $500 will no longer be processed on PokerAce. Redeeming points, ‘Sign Up Bonus’ and ‘First Deposit bonus’ will be disabled for all players

Note: The migration of accounts is taking longer than expected. We are working hard to make sure your account is safe and secure, and all your balance is moved without any issues.

Please try to log in to your account by 12pm, June 6 2013. Your points and tokens will be credited as promised by 2pm as well.

NOTE: In order to receive your tokens and PPP points equivalents in DafaPoker, you will need to log in to DafaPoker for the first time. Your Points and tokens will be credited within 48 business hours of your first login date.

You have until June 13, 2013 to make your first login in order to receive your tokens and points.

How can I access my account after Tuesday June 3rd 2013 12:00PM GMT +8?

After this date you will be able to access you account on Dafapoker. To get started at you will need to download the Dafapoker client and this can be done through the link provided below. You will be able to log-on to Dafapoker for the first time using your existing username and password with us. Before you can start playing for the first time, you will be required to accept Dafapoker’s Terms and Conditions.

Download DafaPoker

Can I play Dafapoker with my PokerAce account before this date?

No. The migration process will only start from Tuesday June 3rd 12:00PM GMT+8.

What about PPPs (PokerAce Player Points)?

PPPs will be converted to Dafapoker Gold Coins. You will be credited with similar Gold Coins so that you can redeem the same amount of cash in Dafapoker that you would have been able to on PokerAce at your Ace Club Level.
To redeem your points against cash on Dafapoker you will need to reach the Bronze Dragon level which require you to generate 500 status points by playing on Dafapoker. VIP level on Dafapoker is calculated every 24 hours. Refer to Dafapoker VIP Club pages for more information about levels and status.
The Gold Coins that are credited to you as part of the migration will be valid for a period of 7 days. If coins are not used within this period then these points will automatically expire.

What about tournament tickets?

All tournaments tickets will be transferred and valid for 7 days and if not used within this period then these tickets will automatically expire.

What about the Poker Hero Asia promotion?

An announcement will be made shortly.

Will I benefit from any offer on Dafapoker?

Yes. All players migrated to DafaPoker providing they do not already have an account with Dafapoker will be eligible for the first deposit bonus when they make an initial first deposit bonus on Dafa. Dafa Poker offers a 200% first deposit up to $2000. Read Dafapoker First Deposit Bonus page for more details.

Am I still eligible for the first deposit bonus on PokerAce, will that be transferred to Dafapoker?

No, your first deposit bonus status will not be transferred to Dafapoker.

I already have an account with Dafapoker what will happen in this case?

If you already hold an account with Dafapoker or another Dafa brand your PokerAce account will still be migrated to Dafa but might be suspended by default. Contact Dafa Support with your PokerAce account details so that accounts be identified and merged.
If you signed up through DafaBet or DafaPoker and received a PokerAce account, then your Dafa account will not be affected and you may contact Dafa support for questions

What if I have other questions?

If you have any other queries on the status of your account or the migration process you can contact our support team at [email protected].
发表于 2013-5-29 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
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