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Welcome to 188bet Livechat. Hello I am leshly, how may I assist you?
Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK146029200XXXX
XXX: I forgot my password
leshly: Hi, I will be glad to assist you. May I please have your concern?
leshly: I'd be more than happy to assist you with that particular concern, Sir.
XXX: I forgot my password
leshly: May I confirm that your member ID is XXXXX?
XXX: yes
leshly: Thank you, Sir.
leshly: May I please put you on hold for one to two minutes while I check on your account?
XXX: No problem
leshly: I apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience. Please stay online, I'll be right with you.
leshly: I apologize to have kept you waiting and thank you for patiently holding.
XXX: ok
leshly: Sir, we have notice that your account is already inactive.
leshly: May I advise you to kindly create a new account with us.
XXX: I've never played at 188bet
XXX: why is my a/c inactive?
leshly: Yes, Sir. This was the reason why your account was inactivated.
leshly: I hope I was able to address all your issues today. Would there be anything else that I can assist you with?
XXX: No thanks
XXX: bye
因为账户不活跃,金宝博188bet关闭了我的帐户,要我另外开一个!  |