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发表于 2012-5-17 06:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


上了飞机发现没有个人的in-flight entertainment也没有wifi available这哪门子的东部直飞西部啊?(有公司给的gogo wifi帐号所以没用到就感觉像吃了亏似的)。还好是早上六点就呼呼大睡了。

这次住在MGM Grand.Hostess一直说renovate后怎么怎么好。还可以啦。吃完午餐不够时间打扑克,就去当个degenerate玩table games.小小的玩。小小的赢。

跟家人吃完晚餐后去看看MGM Grand的Poker Room的小mix(6-12)。Spread的大部分是我比较喜欢的种类。Triple Draw + Badeucey + Badacey + Razzdugi + Omaha 8 Double Qualifier (不喜欢!)+ Stud 8.4 handed还算挺好玩的。可是没有LHE给LP玩,而别的玩家只有大部分种类的基本概念所以也没有多起劲。一小时后就回去玩table games了。比较大的玩。运气差。惨败。至少这次“免费”吃的有着落了。



早上先去MGM的Cardio Room.没开。好几个女的在那个Gym外面等。我们也等了一会然后MGM的staff来了。说一个小时前就应该开了。可是没有,不知道为什么。不想等下去就去外面运动一下。LP很喜欢Jean Philippe的Bakery所以就往最近的分店在Aria吃早餐。反正我去那个Bakery都是吃chocolate croissant,就让她高兴高兴。吃完回MGM Grand.换好衣服看其实还早,就正式往Bellagio出征了!

到了Bellagio不用等就有40-80LHE的位子。LP先玩4-8LHE.过不了多久她就想试试10- 20LHE.这是她玩过最高的limit(其实她后来也想到她平常玩的8/16+Kill更大),她事后说一开始她手都发抖。真可爱呵呵。

我一上场就输了一个rack.连续2-3手觉得因为多对手一点不了解而没有take a line that would have maximized chance to win.只是going for fair share equity没有更aggressive的contest一些因为比如说并不知道一个人的5B range multiway会有88.算了,要不就是result oriented要不就是他也对我一无所知default line vs default line扯平了。

Vegas的40-80比我习惯的soft多了。是有看到几个打的很厉害的可是大部分看起来是regular grinder的都算不上有跟上时代的脚步。跟一个认识多年的local pro聊聊。他说因为Vegas LHE regulars越来越习惯只是打观光客,可能水平已经比不上“California Card Clubs and Internet Kids”了。而且因为除了WSOP的时候不常有100/ 200以上所以比较好的玩家要不是搬去可以玩网络扑克的地方就是去少数还有higher stakes的地方。他说他已经70多岁了所以也了解他大概不太可能再改变自己的game.5年前他还常去Commerce.现在只在Vegas了。他以前从不发脾气的。这次看他明显的有点没控制住情绪。应该多多少少跟他说他winrate越来越低有关系。有点可怜,可是他还是满足于以打牌来赚钱所以也还好啦!

打到吃晚饭的时候LP跟我都ran pretty good.这一整天没有特别值得回忆的一手来讨论(明天有)。LP在10/20赢了$1000.我赢了$1700.相比来,她可是赢了比我多多的big bets!

吃完晚饭和家人看完NBA后再回Bellagio.再战。又ran good.我赢了$2400 at 40/80. LP赢了$700.一天赢$1700是她的新高。为明天先弄个伏笔。假如今天就停那就好啦!

两点半离开Poker Room.三点半睡觉。睡前嘀咕嘀咕的说第一天没degenerate table game就好了~


醒来二话不说就往Bellagio出发。等了一会就各自有到我们要玩的limit.先不说LP,我一路输下去。1000. 2000. 3000.很快就in for $5000. Flop two sets, ran

into two straights. Flop two top two, ran into two more straights. Then
card dead. Only marginal playables for a 3 hour stretch. The only real
premiums were AK twice and both lost.


她来看的第一手我还没注意到她在我背后。事后她问了有关这一手的思考认为我该在Trip Report中写出来大家一起讨论。

V1: Button, Decent/Good Player, only made one visible significant post flop
mistake so far in a ~4 hour session.

V2: Big Blind,Tight and on the passive side, running as bad as me probably

in for 4-5k as well. Straight forward player.
V1 perceives Hero as a loose raiser. Maybe he thinks I'm fish.
Not sure what V2 thought of me, but he's straight forward so it doesn't
matter too much what he thinks of me.
Folded to Hero in CO, Hero open raises KTo. Button V1 3-bets. Big Blind V2
CC2 more. Hero 4-bets. V1 call. V2 call.
Preflop Analysis: Of course I open KTo in the cutoff. V2 is decent so he
understands my range is wide enough here he can 3 bet button profitably with
a fairly wide range to take advantage of dead money overlay from blinds and
position/initiative. When straight forward BB calls 2 cold in a steal
situation his hand is very defined. He doesn't have a premium or even a 2nd
tier premium like 99/KQs because he'd likely 4B here for value. When BB
CC2 here his range is almost exactly non-premium broadways, AXs, suited
connectors / suited one gappers, and low pocket pair. I crush that range
with KTo and I need to take initiative away from button, so I 4 bet.
Fortunately none of them 5 bet or I would be in "must hit to win and not
even sure if I'm good if I hit" mode.
Flop: 964 rainbow.
V2 Big Blind checks, Hero c-bets, V1 Button calls, V2 Big Blind calls.
Flop Analysis: Check to me no reason not to continuation bet. In a large
pot like this and in a steal situation it's extremely unlikely button would
only call if he had pair+ because he needs to kick big blind out if he had a
hand worth protecting. So once he called it's something like 90% unmade 10
% monster. Big blind calls which could still possibly be unmade hand or a
small pair that won't check raise the field because low probability of
getting hands to fold after they invested one bet and high probability of
getting punished by bigger hand. But if he hit the board hard he would have
either lead out or he is in perfect position to check raise and since he
didn't do either, he didn't hit the board hard. It's not a great flop for
me but we're still in business.
Turn: 5s, bringing two spades on board now. Board 9645ss
V2 Big Blind checks, Hero checks, V1 Button bets, V2 Big Blind folds, Hero
Turn Analysis: 5s is not a great card for me, but also not the worst. Big
blind checking one more time is very good. Now his hand will be fairly
transparent after turn action completes as long as it doesn't go check-check
-check. But instead of another c-bet, I decided to check because I want a
chance to put big blind in a tougher spot if a second aggressor put in a bet
. Because I am highly confident that button doesn't have a pair or anything
that hit board with both cards, the question is just whether he hit the 5 (
only likely with A5 or smaller chance K5s), and if not, the pot odds
relative to his remaining range more than justifies going to showdown with K
high. And also I could always hit river. On the other hand if I bet one
more time I have low chance of getting a made hand to fold in a pot this
size (because I can always have AK), but I find out more information and for
cheaper by checking here.
Anyway, when button bets and big blind folds that was the best news ever.
Now it's just me and him and I call. This action is certainly debatable - I
talked with two other LHE experts after the hand and one believed I should
have still bet, and the other believes check is the right play but I got
lucky that button bets in a spot he shouldn't have.
River: Ace of spades - completing backdoor spade flush. Board is 9645A.
Hero checks, Button bets. Hero calls.
River Analysis: The ace is a very good card for me. If button hit the ace,
then that means I was behind the whole way anyway nothing changed. Ace is
also a bluff card for me if I choose to fire. The only bad part with the
ace is that it also completes a backdoor flush. If we continue with the
reasoning that button didn't have a pair on flop but bet the turn into two
people, then it's logical to deduce that he probably either picked up a draw
, has no showdown value, or played a made hand terribly (small chance he has
Ax/KJ/KQ and beats me outright, too).
The reason I didn't bet is because with backdoor flush completing this is a
great bluff card for him too. It's obvious that I don't have the spades, if
I picked up flush draw on turn there would be no reason I don't keep c-bet
the turn. So even if I did legitimately hit the ace, stronger players will
still bluff-raise the river and while I'd still probably call here because I
beat more than enough of his range given the size of the pot, I'd hate
myself putting in two bets on the river with K high when he flips over the
winner. I thought about check raising the river to fold out a weak hand and
can easily fold to a flush 3-bet, but I considered my image. I'm running
terrible. Not too much credibility here most pairs would call one more bet
after getting check raised in huge pot. So I check and once he bets it's
likely nuts or nothing because unless he has exactly A5 any made pair needs
to be afraid of an ace that doesn't bet out being afraid of the flush.
After all, the A is most definitely in my range. So since it's possible he
bet with no showdown value I call hoping he has QJ/QT/JT/Q8/Q7/J8/J7 or
something stupid like 23.
I call. Button flips over Q7hh for turned open ended but river Q high
forced to take a stab at it. I flipped over KT and he went berserk inside.
You can see his face turn red and he started breathing heavily.
Immediately next hand I get KK. Folded to me in HJ I open raise, he 3B
immediately, everyone else gets out of the way, I 4b, he call. Flop was
something something I bet he call turn was something I bet he raise I 3b
without hesitation he grips his chips in agitation and calls river paired
one of the cards on the flop but I really didn't care what the river was as
soon as river is out so he can see I didn't dark bet I bet out and he called
after thinking a bit. I'm going to guess he called me with something real
light. Heh. :)
That started my run and I went from losing 3500 to up 300! Unfortunately in
the last 20 minutes I went back down to losing 1000. Game was very wild
and many pots 4 or 5 bets pre, which means 200 dollars to see a flop. Very
pricey to miss.
Oh well, all in all, a great trip!
LP lost a little bit too. We went to dinner at China Town, and encountered
the weirdest thing we've ever seen at a tourist destination. But that's a
different story for a different day. After dinner we slept, woke up this
morning and took the first flight back home, and went straight to work.

What a weekend!累死了!
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