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party poker派对扑克和empire poker帝国扑克可以同时注册

发表于 2007-4-9 13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一个neteller可以同时注册派对扑克(party poker)和帝国扑克(empire poker),必须用不同的用户名和不同的email。不能在同一台机器上注册。

Dear Player,

Thank you for contacting us.

You can now open an account with EmpirePoker.com. You will be required to create your new account with a different screen name and new email address from the one you had.

Should you face any difficulty while creating the new account, please write to us with the account name and the e-mail address for us to assist you further.

Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site!

Poker Customer Care

派对扑克和帝国扑克的红利都是一样的:20%的首次存款红利最高$100或者在首次存款金额上额外给$25。要求玩5倍的有效手才能取出红利。比如存500,拿100的红利,要求下500有效手就可以取红利了。如果你存$50,要$25的红利比较划算,需要玩 125有效手。最小存款和取款金额是$50。派对扑克和帝国扑克是红利最好的网络扑克场。以后每个月都有红利送。新手注册头一个月内每天都有很多场免费比赛,是练习比赛的大好机会。

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