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Pinnacle Sports: update on the British licensing situation

发表于 2014-11-1 19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Due to a one month postponement to changes in British gambling licensing regulations, Pinnacle Sports have changed the date from which we will be unable to offer our services to any players resident in Great Britain to November 1st 2014. We apologise for any confusion this causes but the circumstances are entirely outside of our control.

This updated statement is intended to provide clarity on the implications for existing British players and affiliates. Should the circumstances around regulation change again, we will continue to keep you informed.

What is the change to British gambling regulations?

Amendments to the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act now come into force on November 1st, 2014 (moved back one month from October 1st) requiring all companies that advertise or provide gambling services to British residents to obtain a licence from the British Gambling Commission.

What this means for British betting accounts:

  • All account options other than withdrawal will be blocked after October 31st, 2014.
  • Any bets placed up to and including October 31st, 2014 will now be honoured.
  • All standard withdrawal rules and fees will be implemented until 31st October 2014.
  • After October 31st, 2014, Britisch account holders will be able to login and witdraw any outstanding balance free of charge.

What this means for our affiliates:

  • Affiliates can no longer refer British player accounts or British traffic to Pinnacle Sports after October 31st 2014.
  • Affiliates can continue to promote Pinnacle Sports advertisings, links, logos, banners and landing pages outside of Great Britain, however, we have now geo targeted the following message to be shown to any traffic coming from British IP addresses: http://www.pinnaclesports.com/uk-block.aspx.
  • Affiliates using the Pinnacle Sports API feed must ensure that any prices shown to British IP addresses are taken down completely or they link to the following page: http://www.pinnaclesports.com/uk-block.aspx
  • We will still be accepting new British affiliates who have traffic from outside of Great Britain. Any British traffic will be geo targeted to the blocked page as outlined abouve.
  • British affiliates will still be able to log into their accounts via the website, after 31st October 2014 to withdraw commissions.
  • British affiliates can still access the API feed but must adhere to the requirements outlined above for British traffic.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this and will be happy to answer any questions or queries you have. We will continue to update you with any developments regarding this issue.

If you have any questions about this or would like to discuss anything about your affiliate account then please do contact us at [email protected].

Further information can be found on this updated page.


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发表于 2014-11-1 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-11-14 17:24 | 显示全部楼层

您好, 由于一个月的延期,以改变英国的赌博许可证的规定,品尼高体育已经改变,从中我们将无法提供我们的服务,任何居住在英国的球员2014年11月1日的日期。我们对任何溷淆这个道歉原因,但情节完全超出我们的控制。 这种更新语句的目的是提供澄清现有的英国球员和分支机构的影响。要围绕再次调控变化的情况下,我们将继续及时通知您,什麽是改变英国的赌约? 修正了赌博(发牌及广告)法现在进入11月1日生效,2014年(搬回单月从10月1日),要求该广告或英国居民提供赌博服务,获得了英国赌博委员会的许可证的所有公司。 



分支机构可以继续推进品尼高体育advertisings,链接,标志,横幅和着陆页英国以外的,但是,我们现在已经发放区域下面的消息显示任何信息流从英国的IP地址来:HTTP:// WWW。 pinnaclesports.com/uk-block.aspx。

我们深表歉意,由此引起的不便,并会很乐意回答你的任何问题或疑问。我们将继续与有关这个问题的任何进展更新你的。 如果你对此有任何疑问或想讨论一下您的会员帐号什麽话请不要联繫我们[email protected]。 更多信息可以在这个更新中找到。页面 真诚, 品尼高体育联盟代理 品尼高体育 帮助和支持 失落登录|联繫人:[email protected]
发表于 2015-1-21 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
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